Inbound Tour Operators from Australia and New Zealand are joining together to make managing rates easier for the entire industry.

We are excited to see the Australian and New Zealand tourism industry embrace a change for the future. TourConnect believes strongly in building a community that seeks to make the industry as strong as possible. Seeing companies willing to work together for the common good is an exciting development and is a great sign for a positive future.

Below is the letter sent on behalf of inbound tour operators showing unity as they look ahead to the 2016-2017 contracting year. Enjoy!

Sent on Behalf of:

– Annika Leslie, APTC
– Katie Hill, Australia One
– Allen Brooker, Pan Pacific
– Hope Kramer,
– Michael Hall, Southern Travelnet
– Tim Cook, Wilderness Australia
– Sarah Debenedetta, Swain Destinations
– Caroline Densley, Diverse Travel Australia
– Many more…

We are the inbound tour operators that sell your products, and this year, we will be asking that all 2016-2017 rates be sent to us using TourConnect.

Using TourConnect will ensure that your rates are complete, and in a format that makes it easy for your products to be loaded, and ultimately sold. You will still have control over the commissions you wish to give, and there is a free option to send your rates. TourConnect can even store your rates from year to year, so you’ll never have to load them from scratch again.

While your 2016-2017 rates may not be ready yet, we recommend creating a free account now, and TourConnect can walk you through every step of the way.

We believe that TourConnect is beneficial to all of us in the industry. We understand that sending rates in a new method may have some challenges, but we’re trying to improve the way we all communicate and do business so we can all forever get rid of lengthy, manual contract forms.

We appreciate you joining the effort and look forward to selling your great products in the future.


Your Inbound Tour Operators

– Australia One
– Pan Pacific
– Southern Travelnet
– Wilderness Australia
– Swain Destinations
– Diverse Travel Australia
– Many more…


Mike Herrmann

Author Mike Herrmann

After beginning his career in technology, Mike moved to Sydney in 2004 to start Bonza Bike Tours. His unique combination of experience in software development and tourism helped form the vision for TourConnect. While wearing out the airspace between the US and Australia, Mike has also become an expert in sleeping in uncomfortable chairs and B-grade movies.

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